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Dear God


Regina stopped her bicycle and stared off into the distance, letting her mind go blank. Her bare feet absorbing the warmth of the sun and the smell of the freshly picked wildflowers wafting up behind her. Birds were singing and the sky was a riot of blue and white.

It felt like the weight of the world was resting on her shoulders the last several months. It was hard to put into words just how exhausted she was emotionally. Today was her first chance to slip away and be alone with her thoughts and God.

The flowers smelled wonderful, their spicy fragrance was a balm for her troubled soul.

Without conscious thought, she realized that she was reciting her favorite prayer.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, whose love commits me here ever this day, be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide.

The simple prayer was like an old friend, providing comfort and faith. Often times reciting it in times of stress and trouble. The last several months it was sometimes her only connection to God and faith. Churches closed, online Mass did not provide a sense of peace and serenity she felt in Church.

The sun, the warmth, the prayer, and the flowers combined to provide the sense of serenity she had been missing for months. She felt the tension seeping from her body, the built up anxiety being released. It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted and her soul felt lighter.

Regina could feel her connection to God filling her and relieving her of her burdens. The sky was blue, the bird's song were sweeter, and life was bursting out all around her.

Dear God, I am heartily sorry for having doubts the last several months. I felt burdened by the world when I should have trusted that You would carry me when I was at my lowest. Help me as I make my way through these turbulent times.

*Repost from my now dormant creative writing site

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