I have been a lifetime reader, started when I was a wee thing and hasn't changed. Life may change and throw me curves but the one constant has always been reading. I loved reading so much that my parents used to catch me nightly reading under the covers with a flashlight. They would grumble and tell me I was going to go blind and I needed to go to sleep. I'd blithely promise to go to sleep after finishing my chapter, but let's be honest it was always a chapter or two more thereafter.

Now I am older, much older, and I no longer have to read late into the night hiding in my room. Truth be told, I usually get up early in the morning to read rather than staying up late, a lifetime of being an early riser isn't changing now.
I have noticed that older readers are not well represented on sites like Goodreads or YouTube. The bookgroups are geared toward Young Adult reads or are run by people in their twenties. YouTube book reviewers, known as BookTube, suffers from this same problem. There are occasional reviewers that are clearly out of their twenties or thirties but they are very rare, Brian Lee Durfee and Mike's Book Reviews being two examples.
I am a frustrated reader longing for community that isn't just reviews, which are great sources for new reads, or trying to discuss a book without offending someone by the use of the wrong pronoun, I just do not have the patience for that. I decided that I could be frustrated or I could do something about it, so I am doing something about it!
Announcing the creation of Books and Readers that Love Them! I will add sections in the coming days and I look forward to people finding a place to call home and find like minded book worms.