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Welcome and Expectations

Love Starts Here

It has been many years of different blogs all dedicated to something specific and they were all interesting and informative. But ultimately, they all failed in my mind because I would lose interest in trying to maintain separate blogs for writing, cooking, gaming, crafting, traveling, or gardening. There are only so many productive hours in a day and when you stretch yourself to thin, eventually something has to give. Guess what always got pushed aside to make room? Did you guess blogging and being creative? Excellent guess and I am sure I am not the only one who has found herself in this quagmire.

Then it came to me earlier this week as I was enjoying the waning weak afternoon sun, combine all of the things that make me tick. Sounds so simple right? Yet, I can honestly say it was a decade in the making. I learned as the years passed, growing as a writer, creator, and person.

So join me on a brand new adventure featuring crafts, gardening, and original writings. The content of this blog will always be family friendly and represent honest American values. There will be no political postings from me or allowed in comments. Politics is great but it has permeated too much of life in the last four years and personally, I am just flat out exhausted by it all.

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