The future is always full of plans, ideas, and hopes. Time to transform those potential futures into current realities. It will be a lot of work and time commitment, but it is one I am looking forward to immensely.
It is currently the beginning of gardening season here in the North East where we currently reside. It is both a season I look forward to and a season of evenings of sore backs. But, I wouldn't trade those sore backs for the world given the bounty of vegetables, herbs, and flowers that will be blooming and growing in the coming months.
Gardening offers a bounty of potential for creative expression. The obvious are the choices you plant and your landscaping planning. Those I will leave alone, they vary by region and growing space. But there are plenty of other creative outlets in the garden which will be covered in upcoming posts.
There are several renovation projects going on around the house, most of which hubby is responsible for completing. I get to tinker with the results however, which honestly is the best part. I will be sharing some tips and tricks I have learned over the years which hopefully will be helpful to others.
Writing is one of my favorite creative outlets these days. Writing takes all forms and can be a wonderful release. Writing prompts are great ways to keep this creative expression active daily. Short stories are terrific and can be collaboration between friends or family members. Novel writing is expressive but a much more solo endeavor. Novels can be incredibly expressive but require massive organizational tools and skills. I will share some of my tools that help me when I am writing.
I cross stitch, less more than I once did, and this year I have a stated goal to finish a plethora of unfinished projects. I have fallen behind on that commitment and I need to rectify that, should be easier since I can stitch during baseball games now that the season has started.
There are always plenty of excuses as to why we push our creative sides away but ultimately if we don't let ourselves be creative no one is happy around us. There are multiple social media sites to express yourself or admire others work. Those sites are not always welcoming or receptive to others. I can promise a site and forums that are always family friendly and where you can share creative ideas and accomplishments with others.